Difference between lost time injury frequency rate and lost time injury severity rate. Safety data
injuries February 27th. 2023, 8:41am
On this episode of Safety moment with walieyullah, we used simple analysis to give the difference between LTIFR AND LTISR.
These are important safety data that you used to calculate trends and pattern on safety key performance
Enjoy. Do remember to subscribe 😌
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LTIFR refers to Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time injuriesoccurring in a workplace per 1 million hours worked. An LTIFR of 7, for example, shows that 7 lost time injuries occur on a jobsite every 1 million hours worked. The formula gives a picture of how safe a workplace is for its workers.
Lost time injuries (LTI) include all on-the-job injuries that require a person to stay away from work more than 24 hours, or which result in death or permanent disability. This definition comes from the Australian standard 1885.1– 1990 Workplace Injury and Disease Recording Standard.[1][2]

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