Archive for the tag: Baby

My Baby Chooses What I Paint?!

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Hey guys! Today I am going to involve MINI ME! You guys have been asking me to involve my daughter in my videos and/or my art projects, so today I am going to let my baby choose what I paint! Should be interesting..


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Hey! my name is Moriah (pronounced muh-rye-yuh 😂 ) and this is my channel….obviously. I’m 28 and like doing anything creative…and being snarky…..just a lil. I make a lot of decorating, painting and general art videos here. I’m obsessed with editing and adding lil bits to my videos, so if that’s not your thing….oof you may hate this haha. I paint on squishies, thrift store finds, and other random things I pick up. I also love to draw, but don’t expect anything too skilled, I’m not the best at that haha. You will also find occasional crafting/testing crafting kits on my channel which are always a hot mess. And even some baking (REALLY bad at that, but it’s fun to try).

Squishy Makeovers: Fixing and decorating used squishies sent from my viewers
Thrift Store Makeovers: Fixing and decorating stuff I find at thrift stores/yard sales
Bake With ME: Recreating squishies I’ve decorated in real life
Create This Book: Drawing in the prompt book that I wrote (available to purchase and follow along)
Squishy Unboxing: Opening used squishy packages sent from viewers

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Every Friday at 4:00pm ET: Alternating Squishy Makeovers, Thrift Makeovers, Craft Kit Reviews, Create This Book, Mail Openings and Miscellaneous crafts and DIYs

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Video Rating: / 5

The Murder of Baby P (London – 2007)

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Baby P (also known as Peter Connelly, “Child A” or “Baby Peter”) was a 17-month-old boy who died in London in 2007 after suffering more than fifty injuries over an eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by the London Borough of Haringey Children’s Services and National Health Service (NHS) health professionals.

Baby P’s real first name was revealed as “Peter” on the conclusion of a subsequent trial of Peter’s mother’s boyfriend on a charge of raping a two-year-old. His full identity was revealed when his killers were named after the expiry of a court anonymity order on 10 August 2009.

The case caused shock and concern among the public and in Parliament, partly because of the magnitude of Peter’s injuries, and partly because Peter had lived in the London Borough of Haringey, North London, under the same child welfare authorities that had already failed seven years earlier in the case of Victoria Climbié,.

Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend Steven Barker, and Jason Owen the brother of Barker were all convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child, the mother has pleaded guilty to the charge.

Peter Connelly was born to Tracey Connelly on 1 March 2006. In November, Connelly’s new boyfriend, Steven Barker, moved in with her. In December, a general practitioner physician noticed bruises on Peter’s face and chest.

His mother was arrested and Peter was put into the care of a family friend but returned home to his mother’s care in January 2007.

Over the next few months, Peter was admitted to hospital on two occasions suffering from injuries including bruising, scratches and swelling on the side of the head. Connelly was arrested again in May 2007.

In June 2007, a social worker observed marks on Peter and informed the police. A medical examination concluded that the bruising was the result of child abuse. Again, on 4 June, baby P was placed with a friend for safeguarding.

On 25 July, Haringey Council’s Children & Young People’s Service obtained legal advice which indicated that the “threshold for initiating Care Proceedings…was not met”.

A day later, Connelly was informed that she would not be prosecuted.
The next day, an ambulance was called and Peter was found in his cot, blue and clad only in a nappy. After attempts at resuscitation, he was taken to North Middlesex Hospital with his mother but was pronounced dead at 12:20 pm.

A post-mortem revealed he had swallowed a tooth after being punched. Other injuries included the child suffered at the hands of his carers were a broken back, gashes to the head, a fractured shinbone, a ripped ear, blackened fingers, and toes, with a missing fingernail, skin torn from the nose and mouth, cuts on the neck and a tooth knocked out.

He suffered all these injuries even though he was on the child protection register at Haringey council. He was found dead in his cot in Haringey, north London in August 2007.

On 1 August 2007, Peter was seen at St. Ann’s Hospital in North London by locum paediatrician Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat. Serious injuries, including a broken back and broken ribs, very likely went undetected, as the autopsy report believed these to have pre-dated Al-Zayyat’s examination.

On 11 November 2008, Jason Owen, 36, and his brother Steven Barker, 32, were found guilty of “causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable person”. Tracey Connelly, 27, had already pleaded guilty to this charge.

Earlier in the trial, Jason Owen and Tracey Connelly had been cleared of murder because of insufficient evidence. Steven Barker was found not guilty of murder by a jury.

Owen’s sentence was changed on appeal to a fixed six-year term. He was released in August 2011, but later recalled to prison.

A second trial took place in April 2009, when Connelly and Barker, under aliases, faced charges related to the rape of a two-year-old girl. Tracy Connelly was alongside Steven Barker in the dock accused of child cruelty after it was alleged that she witnessed the rape but did nothing to stop it.
Steven Barker was found guilty of rape while Connelly was found not guilty of child cruelty charges.

Tracey Connelly received a sentence of “imprisonment for public protection”. Tracy Connelly was first freed on licence in 2013 but recalled to prison 18 months later in 2015 for breaching her parole. Steven Barker was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape, with a minimum sentence of ten years, and a 12-year sentence for his role in the death of Peter, to run concurrently 22 years.

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Video Rating: / 5

Tracey Connelly (mother) Steven Barker (stepfather) Jason Owen (Stepfather’s brother) were charged with causing or allowing the death of a child.
Tracey Connelly was sentenced to 6 years in prison. She was released in 2013.
Jason Owen was sentenced to 6 years in prison. He was also later released.
Steven Barker was sentenced to 12 years for Peter’s death. He was later convicted of the rape of a 2 year old and was sentenced to life in prison in addition to the 12 years. Both sentences are to occur concurrently.
Video Rating: / 5

Named And Shamed: Baby P's Killers' Identities Are Revealed

injuries No Comments » Those responsible for the death of Baby Peter Connelly have been revealed for the first time. They are his mother Tracey Connelly, who turned a blind eye to the toddler’s torture and her boyfriend Steven Barker, a sadistic neo-Nazi and convicted rapist. Sky’s Mark White reports.

Baby P, Peter Connelly, was abused by those who were supposed to be his caretakers. This is his story.
Video Rating: / 5


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Today’s true crime video is on the Baby P case.

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Baby P's story untold, the truth behind closed doors

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Baby P's story untold, the truth behind closed doors

When the infant known in court only as Baby P was brought home from hospital days after his birth in March 2006, it was as a bubbly, blue-eyed boy with the first signs of curly blond hair. He was, according to those who came into contact with him, a lively child with a ready smile.

After 17 months enduring abuse of an almost unimaginable cruelty, the boy had been reduced to a nervous wreck, his hair shaved to the scalp and his body covered in bruises and scabs. Physical injuries included eight broken ribs, a broken back and the missing top of a finger, while the emotional damage was almost incalculable. Despite it all, Baby P was said to have still attempted a smile.

The jury was told that details of the intervening months, leading to the babys death last August, would fill [them] with revulsion. But even this could not prepare jurors — one of whom could not hold back tears — for one of the worst cases of sadistic brutality and sordid child neglect to come before a British court.

Baby Ps life in a council flat in Haringey, North London, began with gradual and growing neglect at the hands of his mother, who would leave him unattended for hours in his cot. The overweight woman, who had never had a full-time job and spent hours trawling the internet for pornography, split from the boys natural father when he was 3 months old after affairs with two men.

When the second lover moved in, Baby Ps suffering increased dramatically.
The court heard that while his mother gossiped with friends in online chat rooms,
her boyfriend took to beating the boy, swinging him around by the neck

or legs and pinching him.

The Times has been told that the man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, forced Baby P to follow commands like a dog. At the click of a finger he would have to sit with his head bent between his legs; 20 minutes later a second click would be the signal that he could sit upright again.

A second man, Jason Owen, also subjected the boy to similar abuse. Owen, who stayed at the house for five weeks with his 15-year-old girlfriend, was found guilty with the boyfriend of causing or allowing the death of a child. The mother admitted her guilt at an earlier hearing.

Police were told that the boyfriend, a 32-year-old collector of Nazi memorabilia, wanted to toughen him up. Other routines included placing the baby on a stool and spinning it around until he fell off.

The authorities had first voiced concerns about possible abuse by October 2006, when a GP noticed marks on the boy. But his mother, in the first of many episodes of deception and false reassurances, insisted she had found that his skin bruised easily.

Two months later the GP sent the pair to the Whittington Hospital, North London, after inspecting a head injury. Insisting that her child was a head-banger fond of rough and tumble play, the mother claimed that fingermarks were merely the result of when he was caught after being lovingly held and thrown into the air.

Social services were informed and visited the flat, which was found to be dirty, untidy and smelling of urine. They learnt that it was shared with the boys grandmother and three dogs, including a rottweiler, but remained unaware that it also harboured a violent boyfriend. They decided to let the child stay with a family friend while police inquiries continued.

A month later, in January 2007, with no decision made on any charge against either woman, the boy was allowed back home. As he grew too old for milk and jars of baby food, Baby P scavenged bits of broken biscuits from older children and was even seen eating dirt in the garden.
Detectives found that after the boyfriend moved in there was not one piece of the boys clothing that was not spattered with blood.
Video Rating: / 5